Prețul inițial a fost: 6.665 lei.3.999 leiPrețul curent este: 3.999 lei.
SYNCA CIRC- Fotoliu masaj SYNCA CIRC-Greutate maxima utilizator 113kg, Dimensiuni reduse, Compact, Ergonomic, Terapie prin incalzire
CIRC este mult mai mult decat un simplu scaun de masaj. CIRC este oaza ta de wellness. Scaunul de masaj cu forma sa compacta speciala se adapteaza mediului personal si corpului tau.
Bucurati-va de functiile relaxante de masaj intr-o lumina ambientala placuta.
Masaj in forma de L
Masajul in forma de L ofera relaxare pura, exact acolo unde doriti. „Mainile pentru masaj” se deplaseaza de-a lungul unui ghid de 86 cm din partea inferioara a gatului, de-a lungul spatelui pana la fese si zona coapsei. Prin apasarea unui buton puteti alege intre masajul intregului corp, spate, solduri, fese sau concentrati-va asupra unei zone sau a unui punct specific al corpului.
Scaunul SYNCA CirC maseaza treptat de la fese pana la coapse, incepand cu un masaj delicat „la atingere”. In pasul urmator, masajul este mai profund pentru a elibera tensiunea si blocajele din jurul bazinului. Pernele laterale de aer din zona pelvina asigura o relaxare musculara suplimentara prin compresia lor blanda.
Muschii din zona lombara si pelvina sunt un aparat important de sustinere, strans legat de picioare si de muschii vertebrali. Muschii intinsi sau rigizi din regiunea pelvina pot provoca dureri si disfunctii in partea inferioara a spatelui, partea inferioara a spatelui si soldurile.
Relaxare pre-programata
Bucurati-va de un masaj personalizat in functie de nevoile dvs. Cu telecomanda intuitiva puteti alege toate programele disponibile prin simpla apasare a unui buton.
Programe automate
Masaj „Kneading” si „Tapping” pentru intregul corp, program automat concentrat pe spate, program automat axat pe pelvis si fese si masaj de revitalizare cu aer comprimat.
Programe manuale
Masajele „Kneading” si „Tapping” sau masaje circulare, pot fi combinate cu diferite zone ale corpului.
Programe selective
Puteti directiona functia de masaj exact acolo unde este amplasata tensiunea si controlati-o in mod specific cu butoanele sus si jos
Reviewuri clienți:
★★★★★ Frank
Great chair for the money!
★★★★★ Troy
Very comfortable!
★★★★★ Katie H.
★★★★★ Ced
Great Chair
★★★★★ Mike
★★★★★ Lovethelook
I AM 6'2'' 200 lbs and this chair fit me perfectly. I was shocked how easy to set up and operate. Living in a small apartment I never thought a could have such a great chair. Highly recommended.
★★★★★ GAMER34
This chair is awesome! I bought it because I had a small space in my home and it fits perfectly. It was a great price. It's comfortable and the massages are fantastic. Highly recommend.
★★★★★ Beverly
Good quality to price ratio, it looks good, is compact and does a good job in the areas it reaches. I only wish it did a better job in the upper back and neck areas but it works well on the middle and lower back regions. The chair has an overall nice feel to it.
★★★★★ Carl
pleased with purchase
★★★★★ Mike
I have owned my CirC Chair for a year and absolutely LOVE it. I have it in a small space in our master bedroom in front of the TV and we use it daily. It is such a small footprint and you can fit it just about anywhere. It gives you a great massage and rejuvenates you after a stressful day. The only downside to it is it keeps the traffic flow high in our bedroom- the kids come in all too often to use it. There's NO better chair out there at this incredible price point. You will not regret buying this chair.
★★★★★ Mark
Great Chair and Customer Service
★★★★★ Carl M.
This Chair is Always Occupied!
★★★★★ Alicia A.
Doesn't even look like a massage chair, I wasn't even going to sit in it until the guy in the store recommended I do. Love it.
★★★★★ ang68
I was pretty skeptical that such a small chair could actually be powerful but boy was I surprised. From the moment I sat in this chair I was in love. I have wanted a massage chair for a while but didn't want anything too big or bulky. This chair is the perfect size. Big enough to massage my entire back but compact enough to move if necessary. Love it!
★★★★★ Zakia B
I became familiar with this chair while in the waiting area at my chiropractor's office. It was so cute! In the past, there was always a huge bulky massage chair which was not realistic for home use. When I tried the CirC chair, I was very impressed! It has a wide variety of settings, including heat. When I found out that this chair was so affordable, I ordered one for my mom for Christmas. She was delighted and I am too as we live together and both get to use it!
★★★★★ Janice M Holmes
We just happened to come across the Synca CirC Massage chair at Johnson Fitness, and so happy we did. This small, nice looking chair, only takes up a small space but packs a big punch. The setup is simple - take out of the box, flip up bottom support bracket, plug in and it ready to use. For it's size this chair gives you a great full body massage, with or without heat, from your thighs to the top of your shoulder blades. You can also choose specific areas to massage: back, waist, buttocks or air stretch. We find ourselves using the CirC massage chair multiple times per day. Mornings before work, after workouts, and before bed. It's so rejuvenating and relaxing. This chair looks nice and is very comfortable to sit in without using the massage features so you can place it in any room. We enjoy having the CirC massage chair in our home and would definitely recommend getting this great little chair - so glad we bought it at Johnson Fitness - they are great to work with.
★★★★★ Mary D
Love it
★★★★★ Kathy Oldani
This chair has it all. The zero gravity cradle is so comforting and the SL track hits all the muscles from the neck down the back and to the glutes. Covid hit my muscles and joints hard and using this 2-3 times daily has helped so much in my recovery. Also, most massage chairs are clunky and huge. This is the perfect size and looks great. The manager at the store in Downers Grove, IL was phenomenal in his knowledge of the product and super helpful. This is one of the best Synca products manufactured and surpasses all other massage chairs on the market!
★★★★★ Esther
Priced right between the lower (non-zero gravity) versions and the full-tilt arm behemoth chairs. Only ding I have against it is the persistent beeping (can I turn that off?!!!) and the frame seeming to knock and creak while in operation. Is that normal?
★★★★ Glen Marszalowicz
Everyone in our house is enjoying this chair. We love all the options and it's easy to use. Fits perfectly in our bedroom.
★★★★★ Mike G
Perfect chair
★★★★★ Kenneth Rodriguez
Kathy loves it
★★★★★ Ed Schlappi
All of my kids love it
★★★★★ Jen
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