Prețul inițial a fost: 5.499 lei.4.799 leiPrețul curent este: 4.799 lei.
Banda de alergare HORIZON T101- Greutate max utilizator 124kg; 30 programe antrenament; motor 2.5CP; suprafata de alergare 140 x 51 cm
Difuzoarele Bluetooth, un ventilator integrat, asamblarea usoara, o structura robusta si un echilibru excelent intre tehnica, calitate si valoare, fac din banda de alergare HORIZON T101 unul dintre cele mai bine vandute produse.
• Ideal pentru plimbari sau alergari usoare
• Asamblarea simpla in 15 minute va permite sa va optimizati timpul
• Structura de inchidere cu o singura miscare si roti pentru transportul si pozitionarea usoara a produsului
Viteza: 0,8 – 18 km/h
Inclinatie: 0 – 10%
Afisaj in timpul antrenamentului: timp, distanta, inclinatie, viteza, calorii, frecventa cardiaca.
Sistem de amortizare: Johnson Variable response
30 de programe incluse: manual, pierdere in greutate, timp, distanta, calorii, etc
Greutate maxima a utilizatorului: 124 kg
STRUCTURA: pliabil cu sistem hidraulic
SISTEM AMORTIZARE: Johnson Variable response
VITEZA: 0,8 – 18 km / h
INCLINARE: 0 – 10%
DIMENSIUNI : 178 x 86 x 139 cm
DIMENSIUNI PLIAT: 116 x 86 x 154 cm
Greutatea produsului: 82 kg
Greutate maxima a utilizatorului: 124 kg
Afisaj: 3 leduri rosii
DATE ANTRENAMENT: Timp, Distanta, Inclinare, Viteza, Calorii, Frecventa cardiaca.
PROGRAME: 30 de programe incluse: Manual, Pierdere in Greutate, Timp, Distanta, Calorii
SENZORI PULS: contact pe manere, receptor wireless
EXTRA: Difuzoare bluetooth, ventilator, incarcare USB (1A / 5V), modul de economisire a energiei, suport pentru sticle, mufa audio de intrare / iesire, suport tableta
Reviewuri clienți:
I loved this treadmill! The incline was so smooth. I also love the Bluetooth capability. I would love to win this treadmill!
★★★★★ Caitlin Schiehl
Just received 2 days ago and so far so good. A little harder to move when folded up than I would like, also wish I had more info on the programs. On this page it says there are 30 and I can only identify 5. This is my 2nd treadmill from Horizon, my last one lasted 15 yrs. and I loved it. It was Elite Series 4.2T. Also in the past your customer service has been the BEST. Please send me more info on the programs and how they work. Thank you!
★★★★★ Bill Anwander
There are lots of functions in this treadmill with affordable price. I love it
★★★★★ Critine Do
★★★★★ Jennifer Reid
I like it
★★★★★ Ruth Ramirez
This is my 3rd Horizon treadmill. I am a small 70 y.o. female. I opened the box and assembled treadmill without help. To be clear, it was more work removing protective packaging materials than assembly. It took 3 hours to finish the job.
★★★★★ Andi Jo
Did a lot of research in reviewing options for a under $1000 treadmill and the independent reviews that I read gave the Horizon T 101 excellent rating for performance and durability. Using it daily now for 3 weeks I have not been disappointed. Only wish that the User Manual was more thorough in better describing the programs. I have contacted Horizon headquarters for a more comprehensive user manual that I would gladly pay for and after 3 weeks I still have not received any reply. This has been the only disappointment but the machine is great. I should also comment that Horizon Fitness in Los Angeles has also exceeded my expectations in providing delivery, assembly and customer service support.
★★★★★ Bruce Barash
Received a Horizon T101-05, S/N TM486200819468. When I search for this product with the S/N # I get a no results. The running belt only lasted for 3 months. My husband and I received this as a gift for Christmas 2020 from our children. I contacted Dicks Sporting Goods and they told me to contact Horizon which I have tried. I tried to call but hung up when I was kept on hold for 45 minutes, then I sent email no one tried to contact me. Its been over a month (more like 2 now). So now the tear is worse on the running belt. The service in trying to repair this SUCKS!! With the exception of the belt tear the treadmill has helped me lose 37 lbs.
★★★★ Laura A Argenta
The T101 model is great .Being a senior and having this low cost treadmill is all I needed. The Team that delivered and assembled this machine were friendly and knew what they were doing. Hopefully I'll get many years this great treadmill. Thanks for everything.
★★★★ Charles robert weber
First off, I want to mention the excellent customer service we received from Patrick. Patrick was helpful and beat Amazon prices even with the delivery option. Thank you sir! The unit itself is incredibly solid, well built and quiet. We were looking for something to fit in our home gym that didn't take up too much space. This mill is perfect. We like to get down to business and certainly don't require or want any interactive services or technical screen gadgets. This unit replaced a very inexpensive and lesser quality treadmill that lasted 20 years here. Coming from a personal trainer background I was quite impressed with the quality of the T101. Obviously there are many other models/brands that are more expensive and higher quality, that said, for this price point you get a very nice machine. I don't know if it will last 20 years however it is a perfect supplement for home use when going into the gym isn't in the cards. Having Johnson Fitness close by is nice in the event there are any issues. Thanks again Patrick!
★★★★★ Gio
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