Prețul inițial a fost: 31.999 lei.17.999 leiPrețul curent este: 17.999 lei.
Banda semiprofesionala MATRIX T50XER- Greutate utilizator 159kg; Motor 3.25CP; Pliabila; Consola touchscreen 10”; WiFi+Bluetooth; 10 programe antrenament
Banda de alergat TF50 XER Matrix face parte din gama de produse premium de la Matrix dezvoltata special pentru a oferi consumatorului posibilitatea de a achizitiona echipamente profesionale pentru acasa.
• Durabilitate – constructie durabila si componente de calitate care rezista la utilizarea intensiva a intregii familii.
• Performanta – performantele dinamice va ajuta sa atingeti cele mai inalte obiective cu miscari naturale si simple.
• Functionalitatea – vei avea toate caracteristicile pe care le preferi pentru echipamentul tau, de la programe exclusive de formare, monitorizare, calatorii virtuale si altele.
• Proiectare – proiectele sunt lucrate in cel mai mic detaliu pentru a raspunde exigentelor utilizatorilor, oferind toate optiunile care vor impresiona prietenii si familia.
Cu echipamentele Matrix nu vei simti diferenta intre echipamentul de acasa si cele din salile de fitness
Vezi mai jos principalele caracteristici ale banzii de alergare TF50 XER Matrix
Greutate | 119 kg |
Brand |
Reviewuri clienți:
This seems like a great quality product! I will be buying one in the near future!
★★★★★ Allie
We have had the TF30 with the XER console for about a month now. We moved from a Nordicktrack Elite Pro which we had for 8 years. We absolutely love the Sprint 8 and also had a previous version of the vision fitness of the sprint 8 which we have at or other house for at least 10 years of use. I think it was definitely worth the upgrade to the XER. The screen is really good and the Virtual Active is a good feature though I think the additional downloads are a bit expensive. However, the versatility is great. We can't do Sprint 8 every day and I personally like variety. So with the built in browser you can watch tons of virtual walks though they wont control the treadmill like the virtually active will. But you can change the speed and incline yourself pretty easily. The machine is very well made and it is heavy but it extremely comfortable. It does not have a fan or decline but that is not a big deal for me. We had a few bugs with the screen but the service department was exceptionally fast and we had no downtime. When you are using new technology you can expect a few things but I would rather seem them push the envelope. So far, we were really happy with TF30 and with the sales consultant at Johnson Fitness. He explained everything so there were no surprises. I am not looking to see if the peloton digital will work on screen for even more versatility.
★★★★★ Steve W.
Excellent quality
★★★★★ Alex A
Bought my TF50 XER almost a month ago. Originally purchased the Landice L7 pro trainer and was somewhat unsatisfied with it because of the built and quality. It's because for the same price there's much more I can get from the Matrix TF50 XER. Since after the exchange I'm really loving this treadmill especially the quietness of the motor and the Sprint 8 Program that comes with it. If your budget is around 3-4k take a look at the Matrix TF50 series it's really a good quality modern machine from a good quality tested company.
★★★★★ Mark
Matrix folding treadmill for home TF50 is nice. Used quite often.
★★★★ Charlie Reeds
Very pleased with my new matrix treadmill! Thank you
★★★★★ Tad Dulaney
★★★★ Raymond Black
Great, worth to buy
★★★★★ Nguyn Nhung
Treadmill is good quality although very heavy even when trying to move on wheels. We got the basic display which I think could be of higher quality even for digital read out. Else, the treadmill works well,
★★★★ Terry Pinzak
So far it's awesome!!! Thx
★★★★★ Rob And Jan Newman
My husband and I are very pleased with our treadmill purchase. We use it everyday, and it works fine. The only thing is it will not connect to my verizon wifi. I think it could be that the wifi box is to far away from the treadmill. I haven't retried it the second time. Other wise everything else is great.
★★★★★ Sylvia Stutzman
Great product! Excellent service and setup!
★★★★★ Regina Cochran
Excellent quality
★★★★★ Alex A
Bought my TF50 XER almost a month ago. Originally purchased the Landice L7 pro trainer and was somewhat unsatisfied with it because of the built and quality. It's because for the same price there's much more I can get from the Matrix TF50 XER. Since after the exchange I'm really loving this treadmill especially the quietness of the motor and the Sprint 8 Program that comes with it. If your budget is around 3-4k take a look at the Matrix TF50 series it's really a good quality modern machine from a good quality tested company.
★★★★★ Mark
I love the treadmill
★★★★★ Larice Moore
We love this treadmill. It is smooth running with a great monitor to view and it's great to be able to fold up the treadmill to make room when needed.
★★★★★ Jeff Strine
Excellent Machine!
★★★★★ Ivan Perez
So far so good. Logging into apps were sort of a challenge due to lack of instructions, but I figured it out on my own.
★★★★ Jay Orns
It has all of these features that make it great and affordable if you would rather buy add-Ons separately. Motor size. Weight capacity. Ergonomics. Add-on Connection features. Easy incline Adjustability. Add-On Apps
★★★★★ Maryann Chidzik
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