Ascent Trainer Matrix A30 XR

Prețul inițial a fost: 21.665 lei.Prețul curent este: 18.999 lei.

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ASCENT TRAINER A30XR- Greutate max utilizator 159kg; Greutate volanta 13.5kg;20 nivele de rezistenta; Consola LCD 8.5”; 5 programe de antrenament

Matrix Fitness – marca de fitness cu cea mai mare crestere din lume, a dezvoltat o linie de produse premium pentru a oferi consumatorului posibilitatea de a achizitiona echipamente profesionale pentru acasa.O sala de fitness la tine acasa!

Durabilitate – constructie durabila si componente de calitate care rezista la utilizarea intensiva de catre intreaga familie
Performanta – performantele dinamice va ajuta sa atingeti cele mai inalte obiective cu miscari
naturale si simple.
Functionalitate – vei avea toate caracteristicile pe care le preferi pentru echipamentul tau, de la
programe exclusive de formare, monitorizare, calatorii virtuale si altele.
Proiectare – proiectele sunt lucrate in cel mai mic detaliu pentru a raspunde exigentelor
utilizatorilor, oferind toate optiunile care vor impresiona prietenii si familia. Cu echipamentele
Matrix nu vei simti diferenta intre echipamentul de acasa si cele din salile de fitness.

Consola XRPur si simplu perfecta 

Consola noastra XR, include un ecran LCD mare de 8,5” albastru, facand mai usor cititul si controlul datelor, permitandu-va monitorizarea efortului si depasirea tintelor.

Tehnologie folosita pentru a minimaliza zgomotul si frecarea;
• Structura: Ascent Trainer
• Lungimea pasului:51-61 cm
• Inaltimea pasului: 22 cm
• Reglarea pantei de la 25% la 54%;
• Sistem de rezistenta: frana magnetica ECB
• Nivel de rezistenta: 20 de nivele reglabile
• Pedale: supradimensionate
• Spatiu intre pedale: 65 mm
• Ghidonul: dubla actiune, pentru inclinare si detectare cardio
• Pentru un exercitiu armonios si natural, tehnologia Perfect Stride Motion va ajuta sa
concentrati activitatea asupra anumitor muschi prin schimbarea pantei;
• Ghidoane supradimensionate si pedale bifunctionale.
• Accesorii: suport pentru sticla apa

  • • Dimensiune: 190 x 75 x 165 cm
    • Greutate produs: 142 kg
    • Greutate maxima utilizator: 159 kg
    • Volanta: 13.5 kg

Reviewuri clienți:

Love this!!
★★★★★ JB

The TF50 is nearly everything I was looking for, especially in the core quality and performance. For context, I'm an experienced marathon runner (165 lb, 5'10)
★★★★★ Ron

Beware of buying this product. It has been a nightmare as the console does not work and the actual machine doesn't level up from a resistance or incline standpoint. Spent the better part of two days waiting for technical support help to no avail. They will kick you off the call after ten minutes automatically which I have never experienced and is extremely frustrating. Questioning why no one will help with this when we were hoping to be lifelong customers.
★ David Kutil

When I was looking to buy an elliptical for at home, I considered what my favorite ellipticals to use at the gym were. I didn't like the standard track-based ones because the foot tilting felt unnatural, and I also liked having an incline. My favorites were the ones where the feet were suspended from above, and one of those was an ascent trainer which helped me to decide that was what I wanted. From a usage standpoint the machine is exactly what I wanted. My only real disappointment was that the plastic feet on the A30 model are more uncomfortable than I was expecting, you won't want to use this without shoes on. You can also hear your noise from your shoes hitting the plastic feet if you happen to lift the foot that is rising as you go around. I might put some rubber inserts onto the feet in the future. I wasn't interested in the A50 which has rubber feet because I don't think the solid state resistance was worth the extra cost for the machine and constant electricity use required to power the electromagnet. As far as initial setup goes, I made some mistakes there but not all of it was my fault. I used the free delivery because I was looking forward to assembling it myself. What I did not realize is that you are not supposed to open the box until you've moved it to where you want to assemble the unit. My intention was to unbox the machine and carry the pieces to the basement where I was actually going to assemble it. Once I had moved the arms, top, and miscellaneous boxes downstairs I was surprised that the front and back were already connected together as one large piece so I pulled out the assembly guide to confirm. That's when I found they tell you at the very beginning of the assembly instructions not to open the box until you've moved it where you want - which I could not have known without opening the box to read those instructions telling me not to do that. At this point there was no safe way for me to safely repack the box so I got help to move the base. Assembly of the unit went well, that was fairly easy and took me roughly 2 hours to do by myself. The final problem I ran into, the first few times I used it I noticed that the incline feature didn't work at all and the console display for it did not match the manual at all. There was no mention of incline on screen. I bought the basic XR console. The troubleshooting section of the manual did not mention this either. I eventually figured out that the console I received was probably opened in the past - the warning stickers were already applied and the console had been set up for a bike. I put the console into service mode and switched it to A30 and after that the incline feature worked perfectly. In summary, I'm pleased with the machine and it seems very durable. I think it will last a long time. In actual motion it's extremely quiet, only adjusting incline and resistance make noise while things are moving. I don't think my comments about the hard plastic feet are going to matter to most people.
★★★★ Paul Kratt

The assembly was easy and straight forward, machine is super quiet, and good resistance. I was even happy I went with the basic monitor.
★★★★★ Casey Miller

Professional gym quality. Really enjoy using it.
★★★★★ Ron West

Very pleased so far!
★★★★★ Beth McLean

Great machine! Quiet and smooth plus adequate settings to vary workouts!
★★★★★ Susan Choice

Highly recommend the machine
★★★★★ Kathy Oldani

codruta angelescu
codruta angelescu
11:52 08 Oct 22
Am cumpărat o banda de alergare acum aproape un an și e perfecta, iar personalul a fost serios si profesionist - atât dl la vanzari cât și dl care a venit pentru instalare.
ovidiu damian
ovidiu damian
14:43 07 Dec 20
In comparație cu alti dealeri de echipamente de fitness aici am întâlnit un lucru rar!Bunul simt!Bunul simt manifestat de către receptionera!Bunul simt manifestat de consilierii de vânzare care nu sunt interesați sa iti ia banii cu orice preț!Sper ca și calitatea produselor sa fie la nivelul bunului simt al personalului!Kudos!
Gabriel Popa
Gabriel Popa
12:42 09 Apr 20
Amabilitate maximă din partea personalului.Flexibili în afaceri,transparenți și profesioniști 100%
Lulea Sorin
Lulea Sorin
15:03 12 Sep 19
Depozit aparatură fitness
catalin cojocaru
catalin cojocaru
16:39 13 Mar 18
Echipamente din segmentul premium pentru sali de fitness sau home use
See All Reviews

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Ascent Trainer Matrix A30 XR